SPF, which is an abbreviation for Sender Policy Framework, is a validation system that aims at blocking the so-called email counterfeiting. Basically, it indicates sending some message from one e-mail and making it look like it’s sent from a different one with the idea to scam in some manner the individual receiving it. In the event that the SPF protection is running for a domain, a record which includes all the mail servers authorized to send messages with addresses within the domain is created. The record is saved on all the DNS servers that direct the Internet traffic globally, therefore they all can identify if an email message comes from a trustworthy server or not. The verification is done at the first server where the e-mail goes through and in the first case the e-mail message is forwarded, but in the second it is removed and it never reaches its intended recipient. Applying SPF records for your domains will prevent any unauthorized people from using your email addresses for harmful purposes.
SPF Protection in Hosting
The SPF protection option is accessible as standard with each and every hosting package that we offer and you'll be able to use it with ease in order to protect the email addresses for any domain name hosted in your account. The service is managed through the Emails section of our state-of-the-art, albeit intuitive Hepsia Control Panel. What is needed to enable the protection is to type in the IP address of the e-mail server plus its hostname - mail.server.com, for example. When the protection is activated, only this server will be able to send out e-mail messages from email addresses created under the domain that you have picked. Your e-mails may be taken care of by a different supplier, but if we take care of them together with your site, you can activate the option for e-mails to be sent only when the domain has our MX records. This feature provides you with superior security as solely our server will be certified to send email messages from your mailboxes and you'll have better control. When you have any questions or if you experience any kind of problems with this service, you will be able to contact our technical support team anytime and they'll give you a hand right away.
SPF Protection in Semi-dedicated Hosting
If you host your domains in a semi-dedicated server account with our company, you are able to employ the SPF protection feature as a part of the regular set of services that you will receive with this type of website hosting. Enabling the protection requires only a couple of easy steps in the Hepsia Control Panel, therefore even if you have never employed this kind of function before, you won't have any kind of problems. Through a really intuitive interface, you'll simply have to insert the information of the mail server which will be authorized to send messages from your addresses - its hostname (mail.server.com) and IP address (IPv4 or IPv6). Once the newly generated record propagates, no one will be able to fake any e-mail for that particular domain name and send emails from a server different from the one you have entered. This does not specifically have to be our mail server, yet if we take care of your emails, you will be able to enable an additional level of security by picking an option that e-mail messages can be send from addresses @your-domain.com only in case the domain employs our MX records. Our tech support staff can assist you 24/7 if you have any questions about this service.