The term "disk space" is oftentimes labeled as "disk quota" or "data storage", still all these terms mean the same thing - the volume of data that you'll be able to upload to a hosting account. The overall size of the things you have is estimated by accumulating the space taken by the overall content within the account, the most obvious being the files that you upload. Two more things are generally ignored by various people, though - email messages and databases. Large attachments or databases of huge script-driven sites can sometimes require a lot of storage space as well. To employ a more common analogy, the hard disk space of your PC is consumed not just by files that you download, but additionally by docs you write together with programs you install. Similarly, various things are counted towards the disk space your info employs on a web hosting server, not only the uploads.
Disk Space in Hosting
Using our hosting plans, you will never worry about disk storage. While most providers set up accounts using a single server and at some point all the server hdd storage will be used, we've employed a cloud web hosting platform in which the files, email messages and the databases are handled by independent groups of servers. This way, each machine works better as only one type of processes is functioning on it, plus the disk space is virtually unlimited as we can always attach extra servers or hard drives to the cluster, depending on whether we require additional processing power or perhaps more space. You will never be in a position when you cannot upload more files since there's no available disk space on the server, that's an issue you may experience with other suppliers. When you use our web hosting services, you can be sure that insufficient space won't ever be a holdback for the progress of your sites.
Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Considering that our semi-dedicated server plans are really powerful, we've made the decision not to limit the disk space feature when we have created them. Our idea is that when you employ a powerful package, it's more than likely that you have a good amount of site info, so every semi-dedicated server package gives you unlimited hard disk space, which will help you concentrate on enhancing your web sites not be concerned whether you'll fit within some allowance. Your account will be created on a cloud website hosting system in which the files, databases and emails use their individual clusters of servers, thus not only will the machines function much better considering that just one type of system processes will work on them, but in addition you will not ever need to worry about the hard disk space as we will install as many servers or hard disk drives to every single cluster as needed.
Disk Space in Dedicated Web Hosting
Using our Linux dedicated web hosting you'll get all the hdd space that you may need for your websites, databases, emails and applications. Hundreds of gigabytes of storage will be accessible and not shared with anybody else, therefore you'll be able to upload any content you will need - web site files, personal or company archive backup copies, etcetera. You'll get at least two hard disks that function well in RAID, so that one drive will mirror the other one in real time in order to guarantee that all your valuable information is always protected. If you like, you're able to use the HDDs separately and make use of the whole space the way you see fit. If required, you can get extra disks added to the server and enjoy even greater disk space. You have the option to create web hosting accounts with pre-defined disk storage quotas when you get the server with cPanel or DirectAdmin for the web hosting Control Panel. Using Hepsia, which is the 3rd Control Panel option on the order page, all the domain names hosted on your server will share the hard disk storage space and they'll be controlled via one account. Either way, our dedicated plans will satisfy all your demands whatever the kind of website you would like to host.