Working with our Web Marketing Applications, you’ll be able to concentrate on your site’s popularity directly from the Control Panel. From the Sitemap Generator you can get a comprehensive sitemap for your web site in minutes. You can easily publish the sitemap to the search engines so that they can crawl your website as quickly as possible. Moreover, via the RSS News syndication tool, you’ll be able to install routinely updated publications on your site, which is actually a guarantee for greater ranking positions with major search engines. itdahosting’s GeoIP re–direction tool will help you direct website visitors from a certain place towards a specified language variation of your web site for more accurate targeting end results.

A Sitemap Generator

Obtain a sitemap with all your pages a click of the mouse

The simplest way of getting your newly launched web site indexed by the search engines will be to submit a sitemap. The sitemap records all the web pages on your site and by submitting it to a search engine, you tell it that you like those pages to get indexed as quickly as possible. Sitemaps are typically made by third–party instruments. However, here, you do not need to move out of your Control Panel. itdahosting’s inhouse made Sitemap Generator is included into the Advanced Instruments part and will create a sitemap on your behalf in a click of the mouse.

All you have to do is opt for the maximum amount of web pages you prefer to be scanned, the depth of the crawled URLs as well as the format of the sitemap report.

Sitemap Generator

GeoIP Redirection

Route website visitors as outlined by their whereabouts

Using the GeoIP re–direction tool that is included in the Domain Manager of the itdahosting Control Panel, you’re able to route your users depending on their geographical location. For example, if you have different language versions of the web site, you can create a certain language variant to immediately open for customers from the area where that language is used. In this way, in case a user from France opens up your web site, she will be immediately transferred to the French release, without the need to switch to French by herself. To employ the GeoIP redirection tool , you will not need any kind of knowledge or tech capabilities. Simply specify the geographical area of your respective readers and the address of your web site that you want to open for them automatically.

GeoIP Redirect

RSS News

Show the most up–to–date publications within your website

In the itdahosting Control Panel, we have built–in an instrument, which allows you to insert publications from the trusted information channels on the globe in your web sites, with just a click of the mouse. Our News Publication tool operates on auto–pilot and won’t call for any extra setup work on your part,

The RSS News Publication unit is simple to customize in terms of HTML and CSS. You’re able to adjust the quantity of publication items that are going to be displayed, the way that they will appear like, how they will be formatted, and so on.

RSS News