All generic domain name extensions and certain country-code ones support a security lock functionality whose purpose is to stop unapproved transfers of active domains. Many registry organizations that oversee country-code TLDs that do not support this option are in the process of introducing it for greater safety and for the convenience of the domain registrants. A domain name can be transferred only on the condition that it is unlocked and only a person who has been given access to the account with the current domain registrar can accomplish that. New domain names are registered with the lock option enabled intentionally, so as to block any unwanted transfer attempts. The lock option is one of the security measures for regulating the transfer of active domain names between domain name registrars that have been introduced over the years.
Registrar Lock in Hosting
With a hosting from us, you will have complete control over your domain names through our custom Hepsia hosting Control Panel. You’ll be able to do anything you would like, including locking and unlocking any of the domains registered through our company, as long as the specific TLD extension supports this option. Clicking the padlock sign that you will find next to any domain name registered in your Hepsia Control Panel will show you its current status and clicking it for the second time will permit you to update that status. In case you would like to transfer a domain to another domain registrar, you can start the process instantaneously. Since unlocking a domain through your Control Panel will take effect immediately, no propagation period or any action on our end will be required. Locking a domain name is just as easy – you’ll just need to go through the exact same steps.
Registrar Lock in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Managing your domains with our company is amazingly easy and the registrar lock option is not an exception. In case you have a semi-dedicated server account, you will be able to manage the domains registered through our company using the exact same Control Panel via which you will manage your hosting account. For the sake of convenience, the domains will be shown in alphabetical order and on the right-hand side you’ll notice a padlock icon in case the given domain name supports the registrar lock feature. If you click the icon, you’ll find out if the particular domain is locked or not and you will be able to update this status by clicking once more. The status will be updated immediately and you’ll be able to initiate the domain name transfer procedure without the need to wait for the change to appear on WHOIS lookup websites or for our company to do anything on our end.