If you are looking for robust domain name control solutions and special domains registration rates you have come to the right spot. Take a look at itdahosting’s video demonstration to check out what exactly itdahosting provides for your domain names.

We provide over 50 exceptional domain name extensions, or TLDs, at competitive prices. For most of those, we’ve got a direct agreement with the enterprise, in control of that TLD, that allows us to present extremely low domain name registration costs. And also, since we are in special contact with the domain registrar, all changes you make to your domain names will propagate throughout the world noticeably faster.

For the purposes of domain control, now we have launched a different domain control tool – itdahosting’s Domain Manager. It is really an fundamental element of our Control Panel and it can help you smoothly command different domain names simultaneously. Additionally, it is stuffed with valuable tools, for instance a domain name redirection tool, a GeoIP redirection service and much more. Because the Domain Manager belongs to the Control Panel, when you have your site hosted along with us, you can handle your domain names along with your sites within the same exact place, without any extra panels.

For those who operate a web store, or you mean to easily include a different secureness level for your personal website, we now have an excellent option for you – SSL Services. You will get an SSL certificate right from our Control Panel and then we may also handle the installation conveniently for your personal web sites. You don’t need to visit third party suppliers after which struggle with the SSL certificate installing and configuration.

As an added secureness level for one’s domain names, furthermore, we offer you a Domain WHOIS Privacy Protection service. Using the Whois Privacy Protection service, we’re going to obscure your own private info out of your domain name’s Whois. This greatly decreases the possibilities for cyber theft and it also cuts down on the amount of spam emails you get in your Whois–associated address.
